Leadership Training Meets Business Results

Managers aren’t interested in how to build trust and coach people. They want help delivering results – this quarter! Sure, those other leadership skills are valuable. But they’re like apps that need to be installed on a manager with a solid operating system. 

See It: Watch the video of executives reviewing Lead In 30


We Coach Executives Who Lead These Companies:

Your People Leaders
Need Help Leading People

You’re 3 Steps Away From An Aligned Leadership Team

Our proven process is used by some of the world largest companies

to accelerate results and deliver what matters most.

Clearly Define The Results

What makes a group function as a team? It starts with a shared set of results they're working to deliver. We know you're measuring 50 things that are important. But, what matters most?

Identify the Desired Mindset

What mindset do you need people to have to accelerate delivering the results that matter most? Identifying what's holding the team back is critical to creating movement.

Build Trust and One Team

The proprietary models and tools we use with our clients are proven to impact team performance. Don't take our word for it. We'll put you in touch with our current clients or just scroll down. 👇🏼

We Wrote the Book on
The Great Resignation

We Wrote the Book on The Great Resignation


Your employees have changed. The way you lead must change as well. The new book by Russ Hill and Jared Jones, co-founders of Lone Rock, uncovers the data of how the pandemic impacted your team. And, it reveals 5 ways leaders must adapt to attract and retain the best talent including increased flexibility, a new way of collaborating, and creating purpose and belonging.


Your Leadership Team Needs
An Outside Perspective

Your Leadership Team Needs An Outside Perspective

Can We Share With You a Story About a Hospital in the DC Area?

We met Susan when her hospital was a disaster. How else do you describe a place of healing that was actually injuring some of their patients? Susan had just been made CEO.


When she called us we started by helping her identify three results that defined success across every unit and department. Patient Safety became Key Result #1! We worked with Susan’s executive team and then the broader leadership team to create alignment around the needed mindset to change results.

Once the leadership team had clarity and alignment it was time to upskill middle managers and strengthen their ability to effectively lead people. In just a few months the hospital in the Washington DC area was transformed. Within two years Susan was promoted and put in charge of Virginia’s largest hospital.

Amazon, Lockheed, and Johnson & Johnson

The models and tools we use with our clients have created clarity and alignment on leadership teams at the world’s biggest online retailer, the company that builds the F-35 fighter jet, at pharmaceutical factories, car manufacturers, restaurant chains, food service companies, and insurance giants. We coach executive teams and impact results.

Real Executives. Real Results.

"Lone Rock is fantastic at helping leaders generate movement on their teams. They know what it means to lead teams and share extremely helpful insights and observations to shape mindset and behavior.

My ability to lead teams has most certainly improved!"
Elaine Thibodeau
Vice President at Johnson & Johnson
“The principles and models they introduced significantly transformed my results and did so in a short amount of time.

We needed greater agility and collaboration and they helped our leaders understand how to create and sustain positive change throughout our organization.”
Ray Burick
Ray Burick
Vice President at Lockheed Martin
"They helped our leadership team get to the issues that matter most.

They have a style that engages you immediately and gets to the core problems you need to solve as a leader.

It’s why we’ve used them for years."
Paul Sanford
Vice President at Cigna

Need a Keynote?
Help with a Strategic Offsite?

Stop wasting time and $ on flavor of the month training. Why not invest in conversations that impact results? Whether we’re on a stage or in  a board room we facilitate discussion that creates alignment.

1. Start with the Leader

Whether preparing for a keynote at a sales conference or facilitating a multi-day executive offsite, we always start with calls with the executive leader.

2. Interview the Team

Next, we interview members of the team. We seek their perspectives on movement that's needed, look for themes, and finalize the agenda with the leader.

3. Facilitate Discussion

Finally, whether virtual or in-person our job is to get the participants talking about what matters most. Alignment happens when people feel heard.

Welcome to the Future of Leadership Development!

Want to elevate yourself to the executive level by transforming your ability to lead others? After 20 years of consulting and coaching executives at the world’s biggest companies we’ve launched the Lead In 30 cohort experience!

Disruption Is Here To Stay – Be At The Forefront And Elevate Your Results

The numbers say it all: disruption is the new normal and work will never be the same. Which means managers and executives who adapt will experience exceptional results that come from an engaged, highly-performing team built on trust.

Now, these numbers can either be a roadblock to your team’s growth or become a massive growth opportunity.


So, Does This Sounds Familiar?

Most leadership teams struggle with clarity and alignment around what matters most. Silos go up, trust declines, and collaboration feels like dental surgery. Feedback is anything but open and honest. Here’s what we help solve:

What Results Matter?

Effective leaders narrow their team's focus. They prioritize what matters most. It starts at the executive level. We help create clarity around 3-4 Key Results that define success across the organization.

Who's the Decision Maker?

Ever been to a meeting who the decision maker is? Teams don't make decisions. They inform the decision maker. Our simple frameworks accelerate decision making while increasing ownership.

Is it Safe to Speak Up?

Psychological safety is never an accident. It has to be created starting at the top of the org chart. We help create a culture of candid feedback.

Why Risk Innovating?

Defenders of the status quo have sharp claws. The fear of offering new ideas or speaking up requires a different way of leading. As outsiders, we help leaders see where adjustments are needed.

Does My Opinion Matter?

Alignment requires involvement. People take ownership when they feel heard. We help executives create a listening culture.

Should I Change Jobs?

The battle for talent has never been more intense. When executives feel like progress isn't being made they increasingly start looking at options. We help you retain your leaders.

They Fixed Uber. Built Chick-fil-A. Created Zapos. And Saved Netflix.

Meet some of the leaders we get a chance to work with. Hear their stories and soak up their incredible wisdom. Leadership is facilitating movement in the needed direction.

Frequently Asked Questions

We help teams and organizations get aligned around the results they have to deliver and the mindset needed to accelerate those results. That work starts with the leadership team. Silos go up, trust declines, and collaboration becomes challenging when leaders aren’t aligned. We facilitate the needed conversations to create alignment.

We’ve been coaching and consulting executive teams for more than two decades. That work includes organizations across industries. Our clients include Amazon, Lockheed Martin, Cigna, Johnson & Johnson, HCA, Kohler, Hormel, Southwest Airlines, Travelers, Fox, and many more. The models, frameworks, and process we use work in all industries and locations. 

We’re happy to connect you with our clients. They love to talk about their experience and results. They refer 92% of our new clients to us.

Our work with a new company usually begins with a keynote address at a leadership or sales conference or facilitating part of an executive strategic offsite. These event-based projects usually turn into ongoing consulting and coaching arrangements. We make ourselves available for events but the real movement happens with a proven, ongoing defined process.

Wait, we’re supposed to charge to do this stuff? Don’t tell our CFO! 😉 We don’t offer cookie-cutter solutions so there’s no menu of pre-cooked items we can provide you. We’re happy to connect via email or a phone call to hear your needs, see if we’re a good fit, and discuss pricing. Click here to schedule a call with us.

We do both. Our teams are fully vaccinated and follow the protocols of each of our clients regarding mask-usage, social distancing, and testing. The most effective conversations at creating alignment happen in-person but our team is known for our ability to generate discussion and engagement in a virtual setting as well.

We Create Aligned Teams and Accelerate Results

Experience our process. Impact your results.

Consulting Inquiry

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